Transforming SEND & Alternative Provision
Getting provision right for Children, Young People & Families.
Friday 28th June 2024
Transforming SEND & Alternative Provision: getting provision right for Children, Young People & Families, takes place on Friday 28th June, at the Etc Venues, Manchester, and is aimed at all staff responsible for, or involved with, supporting pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) in mainstream education.
A full day of interactive presentations, discussion, learning and more will be led by professionals sharing expertise and progress on plans to change the special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and alternative provision system in England, providing you with a valuable head start and tools to help you develop your strategy.
This conference aims to provide guidance and insights into how other schools and settings are developing provision, with information and practical examples of effective good practice, which can be adapted and implemented to meet the needs of your education setting.
This conference from the organisers of Tes SEND Show, has been developed in response to requests for local events in the North of England to help manage national issues, locally.
Who should attend?
This event covers the full 0 – 25 age range and is aimed at:
- • Headteachers
- • Local Authority staff
- • SENCOs and members of the SLT
- • School Governors
- • Curriculum / subject Leads
- • Early Years Staff, Teaching Assistants and Support Staff
- • Health and Social Care practitioners
- • CEOs of Trusts
Why attend
- • Engage with the SEND and alternative provision improvement plan and be part of the solution
- • Be proactive in moving strategy and practice forward while retaining the best of what you already do
- • Support the work of the change programme’s regional expert partnerships to find solutions that really work and seize the opportunity to positively influence outcomes
- • Collaborate with local stakeholders to deliver local solutions.
Headline sponsor:

Tes SEND Show, the UK's largest special educational needs and disability event
The Tes SEND Show offers an opportunity for a wide array of networking and learning experiences for those in the special education needs and disability sector.
In association with The SEND Network
The SEND Network is an online community for professionals, practitioners and advocates throughout the special education needs and disabilities sector. The SEND Network showcases best practice, current trends and thought leadership and provides a trusted space for peers to network, share ideas and develop their skills.